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2024 Conference Highlights

An evening of Elegance and Networking

at the Museum of the American Revolution



Museum of the American Revolution
Independence National Historical Park
101 S 3rd Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106

(picture courtesy of Museum of the American Museum)



President General Ric Murphy (VA)
welcomes society members and honored guests to the Museum of the American Revolution,
and kicks-off the evening's activities

African American Historical and Genealogical Leaders: Genealogist General Dr. Shelley Murphy (VA); 
Chaplin General Reverend Doctor Khadijah Matin (NY); President General Ric Murphy (VA); with former President of the Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society Tamela Tenpenny (AR).

Historian General Gigi Best Richardson (FL) shares a tender moment with Beverly Lloyd (GA)

(picture courtesy of Verity Media)


Museum of the American Revolution
Grand Staircase

(picture courtesy of Museum of the American Museum)

The always fashionable: Secretary General
Jackie Hill Long (NY).


Good Friends Reconnecting: SOFAFEA’s Genealogist General Dr. Shelley Murphy (VA) and 2024 Honoree
Attorney Rohulamin Quander (DC).

New York Model and business woman: 
Ruth D. Hunt (NY), a Daughter of the
American Revolution. 

Revolutionary War Scholar Eric Hardaway (PA) chats with Thom Reed (UT), program manager for African heritage in North America for FamilySearch International.

SOFAFEA Member Sonya Bostic (NJ); and guests Tony Curtis Vaughn (GA); and Milton Hilton (NJ).

SOFAFEA member Joan Cornwall Murphy (MA & VA) with Bob Burns (VA); background Chantel Murray (MD)

(picture courtesy of Bob Burns)

2024 Honoree Dennis Lloyd with Beverly Lloyd (GA) and Dr. Gregory and Denise Dunham (GA)

SOFAFEA Secretary General Jackie Hill Long
with Daughters of the American Revolution
Director of Public Relations Bren Landon

SOFAFEA member and a Daughter of the American Revolution Taryn Kennedy (MD).

The Museum of the American Revolution opened all their galleries for a private showing, so it was impossible to get everyone’s photos: DAR Ruth D. Hunt (NY); and Tony Curtis (GA); and Secretary General Jackie Hill Long (NY).  


(some of the) Members of the
Forgotten Patriot's Project Team


First Row (L-R) SOFAFEA’s Chaplin General Rev. Dr. Khadijah Matin (NY); Jill Marie Synder (CT); Dr, Marjorie Powell (MA); Dr. Shelley Murphy (VA);
and Lyndra Marshal (MD)

Second Row: Robert F. Burns (VA); Eric Hardawy (PA);
and Tim Stephens (PA). 



SOFAFEA Chaplin General Rev.
Dr. Khadijah Matin (NY); former AAHGS National President Babe Gene Stephenson (GA); former AAHGS Public Relations Director Toni Vann (GA);
and former AAHGS National President Tamela Tenpenny (AR).


2024 Annual Conference Booklet 



SOFAFEA Member Dee Dee Roberts,
History General Gigi Best Richardson and
2024 Honoree A’Lelia Bundels share a private moment.


(picture courtesy of Verity Media)

(picture courtesy of Jennifer Horsley)


SOFAFEA Member Taryn Kennedy (MD) and Daughters of the American Revolution's Veronica La Du.


(picture courtesy of Verity Media)

Daughters of the American Revolution's Bren Landon and Veronica La Du; and SOFAFEA Member Taryn Kennedy (MD); and SOFAFEA Member Carla Clarke. 



SOFAFEA Founding Members Harold R. Cornwall (NY)
and Joan Cornwall Murphy (MA & VA)

(picture courtesy of Verity Media)


SOFAFEA Guests: Anthony and Geraldine Smoot, and
Ronald and Lyndra Marshall (all of MD). 


(picture courtesy of Verity Media)

Dr. Gregory and Denise Dunham (GA); Members Skip and Gigi Best Richardson (FL); Beverly Lloyd with 2024 Honoree Dennis Lloyd (GA)

Seated: Historian General Gigi Best Richardson

(picture courtesy of Skip Richardson)


President General Ric Murphy (VA)
with Ruth Hunt (NY); Secretary General Jackie Long;
Dr. Mercedes Franklin (NY); Stephanie James Stewart (MD); Claire Galloway Jones (MA); Vice President Lena Calloway Reddick (MA);
and Founding Member Joan Cornwall Murphy

(picture courtesy of Verity Media)

An evening of elegance: Guests were seated
throughout Oneida Indian Nation Gallery
and were treated to music and an endless
round of hors d'œuvres and great conversation
under the museum's grand rotunda

(picture courtesy of Verity Media)



2024 Honoree Dr. Shirley Green (OH); Lorrelle Becton and 2024 Summit scholar and Revolutionary War Reenactor
Joe Becton (PA) 

(picture courtesy of Verity Media)

Past and Present President(s) Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society: LaJoy Mosby - current president (MD); past president's Babe Gene Stephenson (GA); Tamela Tenpenny (AR); and SOFAFEA Chaplin General Rev.
Dr. Khadijah Matin (NY).

(picture courtesy of Verity Media)

Guests Toni Vann (GA) and Janice Bryant (NC) 





Welcoming some of SOFAFEA's Newest Members: (L-R) 
Saundra Russ Cropps (NC); Claire Galloway Jones (MA)
accepting on behalf of her mother Claire Galloway (MA); 
Alexandra Sutton Lawrence (MD):  Karen Henry (PA); Laura Harver (MD);
and Gloria Barksdale Harver (MD).

(picture courtesy of Verity Media)

Founded in 2019

Society of the First African Families
of English America



If you missed this year's events, we look forward to seeing you in 2025 !